Regalia Information

Academic Attire
In keeping with academic tradition, all those participating in the inauguration ceremony academic procession on Friday, November 10 are to be attired in the appropriate regalia for their field of study and highest degree earned.
Note: The Inaugural Missioning Mass on Thursday, November 9 will not feature an academic procession.
Regalia Rental
The deadline to rent regalia for inauguration through the Loyola Bookstore has passed.
If you have placed an order with the bookstore, pick up and return information is below.
Please know that faculty and staff may attend the inauguration ceremony without donning regalia and participating in the academic procession.
Pick Up
Rental regalia may be picked up during regular Bookstore hours from Monday, November 6 through Friday, November 10.
The Bookstore is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
The Bookstore will be open the evening of Friday, November 10 until 6 p.m. to accept the return of rental regalia following the ceremony and reception.
All rental regalia must be returned to the Bookstore by Tuesday, November 14.